89 Quick and Easy Recipes for Sincere Eating
All Year Around

Excerpt 1
Hello, dear truth seeker! How is your tri-faceted self feeling today?
Thank you for learning new things every day about yourself and the world we live in! And thank you for protecting our beloved planet by being your true self!
You are reading these lines because you want to be healthy, happy, and fulfilled at all times, and therefore healthy eating is definitely one of the cornerstones of your harmony and balance.
Naturally, your way of cooking combines all the nutrition information you have been garnering for years, consciously and unconsciously. That’s a significant part of how you are evolving and keeping your body healthy. But you are well aware that the synergy of your body, mind, and soul can be easily disturbed by any dysfunction, big or small.
That’s why you should trust your own individuality before anything else! It’s the only way to remain connected to the universal truths stored within your subconscious mind from the very beginning of your life on Earth. One of these truths says that there is only health in the Universal Substance, whose perfect part you are right now!
You certainly know that there’s no such thing as a completely new recipe. The ingredients are always the same precious gifts offered by our beloved planet, but we can anytime add a magic touch to a traditional recipe through different cooking methods and/or surprising combinations.
You may also know that it’s more about how we eat than what we eat, and that one man’s food may be someone else’s poison.
Always listen to your body’s signals! If you are told, for instance, that a certain vegetable is miraculous, but your body rejects it, don’t struggle to push a square peg into a round hole.
If you still wonder why we are all craving highly processed foods, please remember that the act of healthy dieting starts in the mind, as does anything else. In time, our minds can better differentiate between detrimental and beneficial foods on more grounds than just taste and smell, especially when our liver and gallbladder start to function properly.
The AilamA® Cookbook is primarily a 365 culinary project, but also a comprehensive personal guide to emotional eating, a 28-day eating plan, and, last but not least, a very special English-learning textbook.
There are fifty-two weeks in a year. You can start this 365-day culinary journey at any time. Read the two recipes of each week and feel free to adjust them to your uniqueness (sometimes, there is only one recipe per week). You can even put the weeks and their corresponding recipes in a different order, if that’s what you feel like doing.
As an added bonus, this cookbook book also contains two special recipes, one for your skin, the other for your hair, to help you trust natural ingredients even more.
On the interactive pages You Matter!, you can write down your sincere answers to the questions related to the proposed recipes.
Make sure you take the most artistic pictures you can of the foods you have cooked following The AilamA® Recipes.
Since The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook is much more than a 365 project, it can also help you make peace with your emotional eating through an overt relation between The AilamA® Recipes and no less than seventy of your main feelings. As an added bonus, there is a table of contents for The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook and a list of your positive and negative emotions in alphabetical order, called The AilamA® Emotional Index.

The AilamA® Nutrition Program is a 28-day meal plan based on The AilamA® Recipes. It respects the general nutrition guidelines you can find in any reliable specialty book, yet without asking you to focus on endless calculations of calories or on exact percentages of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Unless you are in desperate need of a dramatic dietary change on grounds of poor health, in which case you should consult a local professional, The AilamA® Nutrition Program can provide you with a different view on your eating routines.
Because of the small quantities needed at each meal, this eating plan is perfect for the whole family so that you won’t have to cook different dishes for others, but share the same meal with them, meat or no meat.
If your body responds well to The AilamA® Nutrition Program, you are free to prolong it indefinitely; or you can make any new combinations you want based on the dietary suggestions written before The AilamA® Recipes, or the answers to the dietary questions you will find right after The AilamA® Nutrition Program.

Whether you are a language learner and want to practice your English in a fun way, or you are a native speaker, The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook may be what you are looking for in order to preserve your greatness in the midst of your everyday life.
As to the specialized language, apart from the food vocabulary, The AilamA® Recipes also contain lots of imperative verbs, along with special adverbs and adverbial phrases, while they leave out most articles, pronouns, and connectives.
This multipurpose cooking journal is yours to work with in any way you like – just listen to your heart, the true captain of your body, mind, and soul!

Honor the act of cooking and eating while honoring your Yin and Yang energies!
Your kitchen is your castle. Your food is your loyal, colorful servant.
Be the queen or the king of your life!
Eat healthily, exercise, meditate, think big!
You really matter! Cook, serve, enjoy!
Excerpt 2
About the AilamA® Emotional Cookbook

The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook is primarily offering quick and healthy recipes, whether you are a vegetarian or a meat-eater.
In a family, it should be easy to respect each other’s dietary choices, right?
We should never eat anything detrimental for the mere reason that we have to cook for the whole family.
All the family chefs might be frowning now, thinking that The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook is going to advise them to prepare different, time-consuming dishes for each and every family member.
No way! The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook is going to ask nobody to spend the rest of their lives in the kitchen.
Instead, what about quick single-dish meals with different touches to please everyone?
A. The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook recommends
You can always prepare meat separately from the rest of any dish.
Surprisingly enough, your meals will not be deprived of their meaty taste. On the contrary, they will abound in blending flavors.
Most importantly, they will be much healthier and will respect all the individualities sitting around the same table.
You can cook various types of meat in different ways, depending on their initial texture.
You should go for lean, fat-free organic meat, which comes from grass-fed animals, especially if you are a regular meat-eater. Thus, you will avoid ingesting considerable amounts of harmful hormones or other dangerous chemical ingredients along with your daily meals.

After having cooked meat in one of the ways mentioned below, you can cut it into small pieces or grind it in order to add it to your dishes.
The AilamA® Emotional Cookbook recommends that you cook meat before grinding it, instead of grinding it raw, especially when you use it in wok combinations.
Types of white & red meat
Organic poultry
chicken, hen, duck, turkey, rooster (US)/cock (UK)
Organic meat
veal, beef, lamb, mutton, venison, rabbit, hare
Types of cooking
You can boil beef and venison.
Boil red meat slowly, for at least 30 minutes, in enough water to cover it.
Take all the scum away during the boiling process.
Take meat out and rinse it thoroughly in cold water.
Empty boiling water from the pot in order to wash it up, or use a different pot for the next step.
Put half-boiled meat in the pot again and cover it with fresh spring water.
Add condiments and continue to boil it for other 30-45 minutes.
Add salt 15 minutes prior to turning off the heat.
You can use the remaining liquid as a stock for sauces, soups, or broths, if it’s not too hard on your digestion.
You should broil white or red meat only for a few minutes. In order to get that healthy brown color, you can cut a larger chunk into very thin slices.
Pickling (US)/Corning (UK)
In a large glass bowl, put a generous amount of salt together with the juice and grated zest of a lemon.
Pour a large amount of spring water to completely cover the chunk of meat to be pickled.
Add a moderate onion, cut into small pieces, two egg yolks, two tablespoons of rice oil together with all the fresh and dried herbs you want for extra flavor.
Gently whisk the combination thus obtained so that all the ingredients will be well blended.
Soak the piece of meat in the pickling solution.
Cover the bowl with a glass lid and put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
When it’s done, take the meat out and prepare it as you wish.
The result will definitely be a piece of tender, delicious meat just ready to be combined with whatever vegetables and fruit you will choose for your dishes – or
with the ones the AilamA® Cookbook recommends.

Excerpt 3
Recipe 2 of Week 31
Here is a healthy cookie recipe that will keep you satiated for a long time.
This dish also makes an excellent culinary companion when you go hiking with your family or friends.
1 large egg
1 small cup rice flour
½ pack butter
½ small cup coconut blossom sugar
½ small cup natural plum jam
2½ teaspoons chicory powder or instant chicory coffee powder
2 teaspoons (germinated) sesame seeds
2 teaspoons (germinated) walnuts, coarsely blended
2 teaspoons (germinated) almonds, coarsely blended
Cooking spray (coconut oil)
Pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 160 degrees C (320 degrees F).
Put butter, sweetener, and egg in a blender bowl.
Mix ingredients until light and fluffy.
Add flour, chicory powder, and salt.
Whisk until well combined.
Add walnuts and almonds.
Beat until combined.
Refrigerate batter for 30 minutes.
Roll dough into small balls.
Place on a baking sheet, lightly coated with cooking spray.
Add ¼ teaspoon plum jam on each ball.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.
Bake for about 20 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove from oven.
Serve cold or at room temperature.

You Matter!
1. Take four gorgeous pictures of your culinary result.
2. Write down your impressions of the recipe.
a. Did you like it?
b. Was it difficult?
c. Did you find all the ingredients?
d. Did you make any changes to the original recipe to better suit your dietary needs? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
e. Will you cook it again? ________________________________________________________________
f. Will you share it with your family and friends? ________________________________________________________________
g. How did it make your body feel? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
h. How were you feeling before cooking the recipe? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
i. How were you feeling after eating the culinary result? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Excerpt 4
The AilamA® 7-day Nutrition Program

1 Alga Frittata (Week 1)
2 slices of Bread Booster (Week 11)
Morning Snack
1 moderate bowl of Butter Fruit Cocktail (Week 17)
1 bowl of Millet Pudding (Week 8)
Afternoon Snack
8 Patties (Week 14)
6 pieces of Big Sushi (Week 10)
Pickled Horseradish (Week 10)
Excerpt 5
About the AilamA® Emotional Nutrition Program

It’s true, we come in different body shapes that have different genetic predispositions. Yet we don’t really have to be experts in science in order to understand our own bodies.
What if we don’t take much pleasure in counting our daily caloric intake, but still want to get the perfect body size that promotes optimal health?
Yes, we can achieve that by understanding our dietary needs based on our genetic inheritance as well as our life habits.
However, we may find it tiring to always count how much protein, carbohydrate, or fat is in each meal. Moreover, this regular counting may rob us of our instinctual guidelines, the true voice of our individualities.
The rest does come down to statistics and figures.
The AilamA® Nutrition Program is a 28-day meal plan that respects the general nutrition guidelines we can find in any reliable specialty book, without focusing on endless calculations of calories or on exact percentages of healthy nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Unless you are in desperate need of a dramatic dietary change on grounds of poor health, in which case you should consult a local professional, The AilamA® Nutrition Program can provide you with a different view on your eating routines.
Moreover, it can help you embrace your emotional eating and accept, once and for all, that you will always feel certain emotions before, while, and after eating.
As to the basic nutrition information, you can find it with one mouse click, or several, in any cyber-reality connected to this field of interest.
It is your personalized nutrition guide that can’t just be computed out of general facts. An accurate diet calculator can only follow your trustworthy instincts, thus translating knowledge into action.

You can be your own nutritionist! You can create a unique eating program based on your personal principles of staying healthy.
However, if you find it difficult to lose weight and change your dietary habits by yourself, feel free to consult a certified nutritionist to get all the help you need along the way.
Always listen to your own body!
Excerpt 6
The AilamA® Emotional Nutrition Program

1. Is the AilamA® Nutrition Program specially designed for me?
The answer is no. This should be the only answer when it comes to all nutritional programs ever created, past and present.
The logic behind this negative-in-form yet positive-in-meaning answer is very simple: How could this eating program be prescribed to you when only you are able to know yourself?
So, you are the one who can decide to try this eating program or not.
Always adjust general and specific information to your individual needs, not the other way around.
All suggestions and recommendations for attaining vibrant health and personal wellbeing should only make you more and more selective when you have taken charge of your own individuality.
Whenever you feel that your mind’s eye is blindfolded, breathe deeply to release all the tension that blocks your power of decision!
2. Can The AilamA® Nutrition Program provide the necessary nutrients for both sedentary and physically active people?

This eating program could become your daily diet, whether or not you are a very active person, with a deep passion for sports.
Even if you are not regularly involved in physical routines, you most likely know that physical inactivity may trigger major health inconveniencies over time.
But what if you are one of those people inconsistently engaged in physical routines, not watching their diet too closely, and still looking and feeling great?
To be sure, people that fit this profile are not fictional characters in an idealistic movie, and you may be one of them yourself.
Does this seemingly peculiar reality contradict most of the established theories on diet and nutrition? It seems so. But then again, that’s real life – or what a hormonally balanced person should look like.
Being different is not a reason for grieving but for rejoicing! You don’t have to hide your particularities, trying instead a largely recognized recipe for harmony. You are loved just as you are! Show your true self to the world so you won’t have to fight your way to happiness.
Excerpt 7
(Only in the upcoming paperback and Kindle eBook The AilamA® Medicine Food)
The AilamA® Therapeutic Programs

Hello again, dear truth seeker!
If you suffer from chronic or/and autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic dysfunctions, hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders (including Hashimoto’s and Graves’), fibroids, estrogen dominance, liver dysfunctions, gallbladder dysfunctions, adrenal fatigue, stomach issues, fibromyalgia, IBS, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, leaky gut, obesity, receding gums, even Alzheimer’s or cancer, you may want to try one of the three very easy-to-follow therapeutic programs, mainly based on a special order of the macronutrients.
If your body responds well to the AilamA® Therapeutic Program you have chosen, you are free to prolong it indefinitely or you can make any new combinations you want based on the dietary suggestions given right after the therapeutic programs.
Please keep in mind that in most cases thyroid disorders are due to other main problems, like liver and gallbladder issues, adrenal exhaustion, and/or estrogen dominance. It’s quite rare to experience primary thyroid issues, so you should learn to recognize the root causes of any thyroid problems you may have. Once you have isolated the trigger and started to work on the original problem, your thyroid may also come back to normal.
Like anything else in the Universe, our internal organs are interconnected.
A dysfunctional pancreas, spleen, and/or stomach may interfere with the good function of our intestines, liver, gallbladder, and/or kidneys, which will impair the effectiveness of the endocrine and immune systems.
Always remember to listen to your body, even when sick! In time, you will understand exactly what it needs to break the vicious circle and regain its health never to lose it again.
The AilamA® Therapeutic Program 1
Mild Dysfunctions

1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
1 moderate mango
Salad made of ¼ iceberg lettuce + 1 raw gherkin
(or other types of raw cucumber) + 1 medium celery stalk
+ 1 coffee cup of oat bran + a pinch of unrefined non-iodized rock salt
1 omelet of 3 egg whites (no oil) + a pinch of unrefined non-iodized rock salt
1 soft-boiled egg ± a pinch of salt
Lunch 1
1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
1 moderate apple
½ coffee cup of whole grains of your choice
(wheat, spelt, barley, rye, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, rice, teff, amaranth),
previously washed and soaked overnight, then boiled in alkaline spring water
1 moderate sweet pointed red pepper (raw)
2 moderate baked onions (white)
¼ cup of cashew nuts, salted and roasted, previously washed and soaked in water overnight
1 salmon fillet, previously kept in boiling water for up to 10 minutes
Lunch 2
1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
1 coffee cup of pineapple chunks
Salad made of 1 moderate celery root (grated)
+ 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
+ ½ coffee cup of whole grains of your choice
1 palm-sized slice of roast beef + a pinch of salt
1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
1 kiwi
Salad made of ¼ iceberg lettuce + 1 raw gherkin/cucumber
+ 1 medium celery stalk + ½ zucchini
+ ½ coffee cup of pumpkin seeds, salted and roasted, previously washed and soaked in water overnight
1 moderate slice roast turkey breast (skinless)
The AilamA® Therapeutic Program 2
Moderate Dysfunctions

1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
½ mango
1 coffee cup of whole grains of your choice (wheat, spelt, barley, rye, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, rice, teff, amaranth), previously washed and soaked overnight, then boiled in alkaline spring water
¼ iceberg lettuce
Omelet of 1 egg white (no oil) + a pinch of unrefined non-iodized rock salt
1 soft-boiled egg ± a pinch of salt
Lunch 1
1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
1 moderate apple
1 moderate plate of popcorn (no oil, no salt)
½ bell pepper
1 salmon fillet, previously kept in boiling water for up to 10 minutes
Lunch 2
1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
1 medium orange + salt
1 medium potato, baked and chilled + a pinch of salt
2 raw gherkins
1 palm-sized slice of roast beef + a pinch of salt
1 cup (or less) of alkaline spring water
1 kiwi
1 medium potato, baked and chilled + a pinch of salt
½ zucchini (sliced) + a pinch of salt
1 broiled chicken thigh (skinless, boneless) + a pinch of salt
The AilamA® Therapeutic Program 3
Severe Dysfunctions

1 coffee cup of alkaline spring water
½ mango
1 coffee cup of whole grains of your choice
(wheat, spelt, barley, rye, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, rice, teff, amaranth),
previously washed and soaked overnight, then boiled in alkaline spring water
¼ iceberg lettuce
Omelet of 2 egg whites (no oil) + a pinch of unrefined non-iodized rock salt
1 coffee cup of alkaline spring water
1 medium orange + salt
1 coffee cup of boiled whole grains of your choice
1 raw gherkin
1 palm-sized slice of roast chicken breast (skinless) + freshly chopped parsley + a pinch of salt
1 coffee cup of alkaline spring water
1 kiwi
1 moderate plate of popcorn (no oil, no salt)
1 gherkin (pickled in brine)
1 broiled chicken thigh (boneless, skinless) + freshly chopped lovage + a pinch of salt
