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Mantra 2
Mantra for Health, Wealth & Happiness
Watch the video as many times as you feel and let your subconscious assimilate its message.
You are LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE.
This is the vibrational trinity of your life.
Mantra 3
Mantra for Harmony & Balance
Watch this video as many times as you feel, and let your subconscious assimilate its message.
Every moment, you are exactly where you are meant to be.
Mantra 4

Mantra for mental peace, self-love, and courage


Watch this video as many times as you feel and let your subconscious mind assimilate its message.
Love yourself!
You always do the best you can.
Mantra 5
F*CK the Law of Attraction
An honest mantra for releasing strong feelings
This is a highly cathartic mantra for those of us who know all (really?!) about the Law of Attraction, and yet can't use it consciously to our advantage at all times.
We are so often fooled into thinking we can really take full control of our lives. So wrong! The truth about the Law of Attraction is beyond our human understanding ... and it's OK!
It's OK to feel negativity and be ... human. We have to learn to love everything about ourselves — bounded rationality , cognitive biases, fallacies, heuristics, over-thinking, over-feeling, fearing, and all.
Assimilate this sincere mantra and don't be afraid to vent off your frustrations on the mental law that governs the whole Universe!
Contrary to popular belief, it's the Law of Attraction that's using us, not the other way around ...
We can't be in control all the time ... and it's OK!
We can never see the whole picture ... and it's OK!
Let's all just be ... irrationally human. It's OK!
It's the only way to make the Law of Attraction work for us, not against us.
Surrender, allow, let go, lose all emotional reactivity!
Live, just live!
We are all loved just the way we are!
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